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News & Events: News happens fast! visualize them as they occur
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News happen fast! visualize them as they occur

Create maps in seconds and guide readers about current events around the world.
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No clumsy spreadsheets or complex tools
Your words are enough
Create rich interactive maps with multiple locations in seconds
Maps automatically update when you update your text
Ready to embed and share anywhere
The easiest way to create and update maps from your phone
The fastest way to create maps on your phone
Create and edit maps on your mobile browser, no need to open a laptop or download apps. No Excel files to update and upload for every tiny change
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News doesnt happen on Mars...Yet
Provide readers with maps for articles and news to give them the full picture.
Provide extra information without the extra effort
Textomap automatically links photos and Wikipedia pages to your map to provide readers information with no extra effort from you.
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We support many languages
Turn news into interactive maps in seconds
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